Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 2 1:55 p.m. MDT

I just heard from Heather for the first time today.....I was beginning to wonder if they were lost!! She says they are on their way to Prescott, AZ. Jeff has been experiencing some stomach problems and was starting to fall asleep on the bike so he's taken time off the trail to get some much needed rest. I can just imagine that the heat of the desert took a lot out of him yesterday.

So far, he's had 3 flat tires. They were riding on the interstate and there's a lot of debris and junk along the shoulder of the highway. Yes, they've been out there, but Heather says the shoulder is wide and they ride along side of him for protection from cars, trucks, buses, etc. Right now they're on a pretty much abandoned 2 lane road. Sounds much safer than a interstate to me!

The weather isn't bad today......low 70's, cloudy & overcast but with some gusting winds.

Heather said they'd call later with more info so until then I guess that's all for now.


morgan said...

Just so you know, Jeff - we are eagerly devouring the updates posted by your Mom (THANKS!) - there are a lot of people out there thinking of you and wondering how it's going! Hope you're almost out of the heat and the rest does you good. Happy riding.
- M & M & M & Z

Brent said...

Go gettem Jeff, you are going to have one hell of and adventure I will be following you the entire way. hang in there and just keepem rolling

Wild and Free Mushing

Paul Overduin said...

Jeff! Crew! Jeff's mom! Keep the posts coming. Just so you know, Bob Bolton is following from Ny Alesund, Spitsbergen, me, Julia and the boys are following from Potsdam, Germany. We're wishing you some great sunrises.

Norma said...

Thank you so much for the great posting. I am lingering over the daily details. John is reviewing the stats daily. He says he hopes that Jeff can just think about the next 100 meters at a time. We are watching a beautiful Fairbanks sunset right now and hoping there are many beautiful moments along the way. Jeff, your massage is waiting for you!!! AND Thank you, Crew.

Unknown said...

What's all this talk of sunsets and sunrises? Through the wonders of modern technology, I'm following the race from the heart of darkness, the South Pole in June! Keep on keeping on, Jeff...onward and upward to those Rocky Mountain Highs. John G.